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What a fruitful conference!

Our Annual Conference concluded last weekend and it was a great success. There were many opportunities to build relationships with like minded health care professionals while the speakers and liturgies provided true encouragement for all of us in our respective vocations.

We were repeatedly reminded not to be afraid, to be bold in caring for those who come to us, and to see Christ in each of our patients. A vision was cast of the divine physician, and a reminder provided that all healing that we are privileged to participate in is divine healing, indeed.

We are grateful for all of the remarkable speakers, dedicated organizers, and enthusiastic attendees who contributed to this year's conference and look forward to being together again in person next year in Winnipeg!


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Canadian Federation of Catholic Physicians' Societies (CFCPS)

Suite No. 2900

207 Bank St, Ottawa, ON, Canada K2P 2N2

© Canadian Federation of Catholic Physicians and Societies

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